SXSW, Print, Interview, Profile Dylan Kai Dempsey SXSW, Print, Interview, Profile Dylan Kai Dempsey

Paying It Forward:  A Film for All of Us, by the Bronx

Story Ave—described by writer/director Aristotle Torres as a “Film by the Bronx”—premiered as part of SXSW’s Narrative Feature Competition and won two awards. Painterly, poignant, this impressive first feature surprises despite its depiction of predictable hardship ... and reminds us to look in instead of away.

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Kernels of Truth

As I search for the ‘why’ behind a filmmaker’s choices, I zero in on the moments where emotion meets truth.  After all, life is fraught with uncertainty; even the best artists are exploring new ways to grow.  I try to connect with the deeper through-lines, both in person and on the screen—and hope the experience connects me to you.