Sundance, Best of Fest, Review Dylan Kai Dempsey Sundance, Best of Fest, Review Dylan Kai Dempsey

Ten Best Films of Sundance 2024

My personal Top Ten films from Sundance 2024—plus distribution info, so that you too can catch these buzzy treasures in the coming year. Selected from a vast number of candidates (roughly 17,000 submissions), this year’s cadre of Sundance premieres delivers profound insights into our own collective evolution. These stories are pure entertainment, genre films with a conscience, Trojan Horses for cultural progress.

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Kernels of Truth

I’m more of a guide than a judge.  I review a film because it resonates on some personal level.  Many of those reviewed here have earned 4-kernel ratings—not because these films are equal, but because they represent some form of greatness.  Even flawed films are worthy of discussion; some may be a better fit for you than for me.   My goal is to communicate strengths and weaknesses, from my own biased perspective ... and to help you decide which ones pop for you.